"God never abandons Moses because 'God is.' God never abandons Moses as his life dissolves. God will not abandon Moses when he returns to Pharoah. God has never abandoned Moses. God cannot deny God's own Life. God's Life is the One from whom are all things, through whom are all things, and to whom are all things. Moses can move from devastation to call because God's Name, the one who sends Moses, is "I am-ing."..
John W. Wright concludes: "Those devastated by life, including ourselves, receive the divine Name to remain in the present, so to speak, to let the past go and live to the future because God's Name is 'I am-ing.' The divine Name gives us a basis, like Moses, to return to Egypt and speak to the Pharaohs of the world to let God's people go."
John W. Wright's full reflections on Exodus 3:1-15 can be found in Connections: A Lectionary Commentary, Year A, 2020, pages 263-265.